My name is Azanta Rezwana Mirza and this is my story.
I have always wanted to be a professional writer. That was my goal in life, my ultimate plan. However, how I turned my love for writing into a career is truly an adventure. Do you want to hear it?
I have tried so many courses in my life but got a very few one whom I can call a mentor, Azanta Rezwana Mirza is someone who can guide you to be a content writer as a career. She is simply awesome. As I worked for two years as a content writer before my marriage, I can directly connect how specific she is about her course. Really happy to be a part of this!
Sraboni Aziz Owner at Bithi's Nest | Former Content Writer at - সাজগোজ
Wow!! It was really a privilege to attend a content writing workshop from Azanta Apu. She is an amazing human being with in-depth of knowledge of content writing. We learned a lot from her. She gives Her best in this workshop. Highly recommended. Thank you so much apu for creating this opportunity for us!
Tanjia Rashid Owner and Sugar Artist at Cake Bake | Recipe Developer at The Daily Observer
আমি ক্রিয়েটিভ কন্টেন্ট নিয়ে টুকটাক কাজ করি। আমার কবিতার দু'টো বই আছে। এছাড়া বিভিন্ন ব্লগ লিখেছি। বেসিক ফটোগ্রাফি ব্লগ লিখছি। অজান্তা আপু আমাকে কন্টেন্ট রাইটিং কাজে গাইড করেছেন। এতে আমি অনেক কাজ আত্মবিশ্বাসের সাথে শেষ করতে পেরেছি। উনি অসাধারণ শিক্ষক। উনার অভিজ্ঞতা দারুনভাবে সবার মাঝে বিলিয়ে দিচ্ছেন।
Ayon Ahmed Co-Founder at Grasshoppers Photographers Community | Director, Finance & Administration at Diesel Power Services Limited
Azanta is an incredibly talented writer. The web content she produced for me was outstanding, with a perfect balance of style, tone, and accuracy. Her writing skills are exceptional, and she was able to take my ideas and turn them into engaging and compelling content. I would highly recommend Azanta for any writing project; she is truly a pleasure to work with.
Emrazina Islam Khan Owner and Founder at Emrazina Technologies | Founder at কাজ ৩৬০ - কাজ সবার সবখানে