Written by Azanta Rezwana Mirza
Continuing from the last post…!
Grant Writing
I am personally not a fan of this particular kind of job, as it can be quite tedious and not very fruitful. If ever hired for a Grant Writing job, you will probably be working for a Non-Profit Organization that works for the underprivileged and the poor. Your main job as a Grant Writer would be to research companies that give out grants to organizations working for the underprivileged and apply for them, relentlessly.
Travel Articles
Now, these kind of articles happen to be my favorite. Travel articles are fun to write, and they are great to create your portfolio. Sitting in your own home in Bangladesh, you can write about the wondrous pyramids of Machu Pichu, the Amazon Rain forest or even climbing Mount Everest.
Virtual Assistant
Being a Virtual Assistant isn’t the same as being a freelance writer, but some of the responsibilities can overlap. If you are a good writer, it can certainly help in some of your tasks as a Virtual Assistant. You can also think of it this way: if you are a writer who has a lot of free time on your hand and wants to do more than just write, this is the field for you!
Cookbook/Recipe Book/Diet Book
If you love anything to do with food, you’re going to love these jobs. For any of these jobs – eBooks, articles or blogs – a basic knowledge about cooking and baking would be appreciated by the clients. There are literally thousands of sites where you can get inspiration or recipes from, but they need to be edited, modified, recreated or rearranged to be included in your writing.
Newsletter/Email Marketing/Digital Marketing
These kind of jobs come more with writing Website Content for businesses or individuals rather than on their own. However, a thorough research of any website can make you ready to prepare newsletters, brochures, press releases, Social Media content, Digital Marketing content, banners, etc. for the client. A good knowledge of designing skill can help in these kinds of jobs.
Script Writing for YouTube Channels/Videos
Not always what you hear people saying on YouTube or Vimeo videos are spontaneous; some of them have been pre-written and rehearsed. These kind of jobs are rare but they do exist.
Course Creation
Also rare kind of jobs, but quite interesting. Clients can hire you to design and write courses to train their employees; teachers can hire you to prepare class schedules and worksheets.
The scope for translation is quite high in other languages, but not so much for Bangladesh or Bengali. If you are lucky, you might get small projects irregularly that require you to translate Bengali-to-English or English-to-Bengali.
Technical Writing
Technical writing jobs happen to be some of the best paying jobs on Upwork, but extremely hard to find. These jobs are for people with an educational background in Law, Economics, Medicine, Sociology or Psychology. Your education and knowledge comes into use in these jobs and they pay very well.
These, in a nutshell, are some of the most common kind of writing jobs you can find on Upwork, and the other similar online marketplaces. There are more, of course, but I personally don’t have experience with them. Over the next few days, I am going to elaborate on them. Simply click on the headlines and they will take you to the respective blog posts, once I am done writing them.
Thank you! Please do leave comments and suggestions.